Thursday, February 21, 2008

"Jesus said to his disciples..."

Many people are familiar with apocryphal Coptic gospels that begin this way. However, this blog contains sayings from the Canonical Gospels about the Lord Jesus Christ, as found in the Holy Bible, i.e., Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

The purpose is to highlight the wisdom found in the Sahidic Coptic version (2nd/3rd centuries) of the Canonical Gospels, often overshadowed by the current popularity of possibly Gnostic works like the gospels of Thomas, Philip, or Judas.

A secondary purpose is to enhance my continuing study of the Egyptian language (in its Sahidic Coptic form), by means of practical translating exercises.

The Coptic verses below are generally conformable to those found in the Sahidic Coptic New Testament, J. Warren Wells, editor, 2006. The English translations are mine.

The translations are not overly literal, but attempt to bring out, succinctly, the flavor of the Coptic. For example, the Sahidic word that translates the Greek makarios, "fortunate or happy; blessed or favored," derives from the Coptic word for "eye," eia, signifying divine favor in this context.

Jesus Sayings from the Canonical Gospel of Matthew

Chapter 5

Verse 3
naiatou nnHhke Hm pepneuma Je twou te tmntrro nmphue
Divinely favored are the poor for the Spirit, because theirs is Heaven's kingdom.

Verse 4
naiatou nnetrHhbe Je ntoou netounaspswpou
Divinely favored are the mourners, because they will be comforted.

Verse 5
naiatou nnrmraS Je ntoou netnaklhronomei mpkaH
Divinely favored are the mild (and) gentle, because they will inherit the earth.

Verse 6
naiatou nnetHkaeit etobe ntdikaiosunh Je ntoou netnasei
Divinely favored are those hungry and thirsty for righteousness, because they will be satisfied.

Verse 7
naiatou nnnaht Je ntoou netounana nau
Divinely favored are the compassionate, because they will be treated with compassion.

This is just a beginning...

Constuctive comments are welcome:


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